24 October 2016

Condensation and ventilation

Condensation and Ventilation
Most agents and Landlords will have had this conversation with tenants at various times “we’ve got a damp problem”.  Now without wishing to teach my granny how to suck eggs we will try and through some light on this issue and give some tips for you to pass on.  Ignore me if you already know what to do!

In most cases this problem is caused by condensation and not damp and is usually a result of not opening windows or turning extractors on whilst washing or cooking and therefore no fresh air is getting in.

Condensation is one of the most common problems in houses and flats and can usually be minimised relatively easily. Condensation occurs when warm moist air meets a cold surface. The water in the air then either settles as water droplets on the surface (as it does on windows for example), or, if the surface is absorbent, it soaks into the surface. In the latter case condensation is often not noticed unless or until mould appears. Condensation can be prevented or reduced in the property by controlling the excess moisture in the following ways:

        Close kitchen and bathroom doors to prevent steam going into other, colder, rooms.
        Open the kitchen or bathroom windows (if applicable) when cooking or washing.
        Open windows in other rooms to allow a change of air.
        Keep trickle vents open (these are small devices on new windows which can be opened without affecting the security to your property).  These are worth hovering on a regular basis as well.
        Curtains and blinds should be kept open during the day as this will help to minimize the condensation in the property.
        Wipe down surfaces where moisture settles to prevent mould forming.
        Use the extractor fans if supplied in the property (do not isolate fans in bathrooms).  Consider changing fans to ones that are triggered by excessive moisture in the area and do not switch off until this is bought down to an acceptable level.
·        Dry clothes outside if possible.
·        Do not hang wet clothes over radiators or in rooms without suitable ventilation.
        Ensure that tumble driers vent to the outside.
        Maintain a low background heat – it is advised that the property thermostat is kept at a minimum of 13 degrees during cold periods to prevent the hot and cold effect which causes condensation.
        Ensure that the insulation in the loft is at a good level.  This can prevent cold spots forming where condensation will collect.

We always remind new and existing tenants on how to prevent and deal with condensation and would recommend that you do the same.  For more useful tips, follow our blog.

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