If you are a
landlord with a limited budget, you can still find a decent property to let in Andover.
Typically, a two bedroomed modern apartment can be bought for around £130,000
in the town centre of Andover in areas such as Heather Drive or Forge Field –
the average rent for a property here is likely to be around £650 per month.
Always remember
though, when buying a 2 bedroom flat, try to get two double bedrooms as this
will inevitably make the property more popular and opens the market to sharers
which is becoming a larger part of the rental market in this area.
Also remember with
flats to factor into your figures management fees, ground rent etc. These will usually be lower on ex local
authority flats but they do not hold much of a sinking fund so you may have to
stump up further funds as required for major works.
So, should you consider a two bedroom flat as a good investment? Yes. Yes you should.
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